Gary and Brenda White are both Veterans of the United States Coast Guard. Gary retired with nearly 28 years of service, and Brenda retired after 24. Together they run the business, with Gary making the bats and fish clubs from start to finish while Brenda is behind the scenes billing, shipping, purchasing, and marketing the business.
Gary enjoys playing adult league baseball and softball, coaching Little League, weightlifting and of course, carpentry. Brenda spends her free time volunteering with various school and community groups, bike riding, and tending to the family chickens. Once the kids get home from school focus shifts to them. It’s homework and family time, which revolves around baseball in the spring and summer, and mountain biking, basketball, and football in the fall and winter. Add in fishing, visiting family and friends, and hanging out in their backyard making s’mores, and you’ve got a pretty good glimpse of the White Family.